German prams.
Brennabor, Zekiwa, Gesslein, Hecker and more.
On these pages we try to capture and share as much information as possible about the background and the model overview of the various German Brands.
The German pram industry has its origins in and around the town of Zeitz. Ernst Albert Naether was one of the first to start building prams around 1850. Over time, more and more pram builders arose here. In 1946 these companies were expropriated and merged into Zekiwa (ZEitser KInderWAgen industry). See further under Zekiwa.
If you click on the brand name then you get a historical overview, as far as we know. If there are any remarks or remarks, or additions to this data, we would like to hear this via e-mail and we will adjust or add this.
If you click on the pram models next to the brand, you can view the photos of the various models that we have extracted from the brochures. These overviews are far from complete and we hope to obtain more brochures, physically or digitally.
Some pages may load a little slow due to the large amount of photos and / or information.
The prams are not listed in order in the list.

Pram models

Pram models