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6 entries.
Bonnie Pascarelli Bonnie Pascarelli from Staten Island, New York wrote on Jan-18-2024 at 5:24 PM
Thanks so much to Nelly for helping me with new wheels and tires for my 1980’s Emmaljunga pram! I had pretty much given up hope - I couldn’t find anywhere in the US where I could purchase replacements. I had saved the pram all these years after my sons outgrew it, in the hopes of using it for future grandchildren. My first is due next month and with Nelly’s expert assistance, I now have a stunning baby carriage waiting for his arrival!
Thanks so much to Nelly for helping me with new wheels and tires for my 1980’s Emmaljunga pram! I had pretty much given up hope - I couldn’t find anywhere in the US where I could purchase replacements. I had saved the pram all these years after my sons outgrew it, in the hopes of using it for future grandchildren. My first is due next month and with Nelly’s expert assistance, I now have a stunning baby carriage waiting for his arrival!... Collapse
Claire McKenzie Claire McKenzie from Park Ridge, Illinois wrote on May-02-2022 at 11:14 PM
I can’t thank the wonderful people at Luxury Prams enough for all of their help and assistance. Just when I was about to give up I stumbled upon this website and have been impressed and helped with care and kindness that’s difficult to find. My son, Keenan, took on the job of restoring my mother’s 61 year old pram. He was able to do a great job with Nelly’s and Luxury Pram’s guidance and their newly made to order wheels; he has rekindled many happy memories for both me and my mother, the original owner of the pram. Now Keenan and his wife will be using the restored pram with their new baby girl! The wheels will keep turning. Thanks to Nelly and Luxury Pram. ❤️
I can’t thank the wonderful people at Luxury Prams enough for all of their help and assistance. Just when I was about to give up I stumbled upon this website and have been impressed and helped with care and kindness that’s difficult to find. My son, Keenan, took on the job of restoring my mother’s 61 year old pram. He was able to do a great job with Nelly’s and Luxury Pram’s guidance and their newly made to order wheels; he has rekindled many happy memories for both me and my mother, the original owner of the pram. Now Keenan and his wife will be using the restored pram with their new baby girl! The wheels will keep turning. Thanks to Nelly and Luxury Pram. ❤️... Collapse
Carolyn Raybould Carolyn Raybould from Lexington, Kentucky USA wrote on Apr-17-2022 at 2:39 PM
We purchased an Emmaljunga pram in Kentucky in 1990 for our new baby daughter. After 32 years, she is now expecting a daughter of her own. After looking for replacement tires everywhere on the internet, we came across the Luxury Pram site. Following good communication and instruction from the company, 4 new tires arrived at our home for a perfect fit on our pram! Thank you, Rob!
We purchased an Emmaljunga pram in Kentucky in 1990 for our new baby daughter. After 32 years, she is now expecting a daughter of her own. After looking for replacement tires everywhere on the internet, we came across the Luxury Pram site. Following good communication and instruction from the company, 4 new tires arrived at our home for a perfect fit on our pram!
Thank you, Rob!... Collapse
keith martin keith martin from Palmerston North wrote on Feb-12-2022 at 12:12 AM
We buy custom made tyres for the prams we repair and found them fantastic people to deal with . Nelly in particular. Very prompt and obliging . The emails make me feel that I know them personally.
We buy custom made tyres for the prams we repair and found them fantastic people to deal with .
Nelly in particular.
Very prompt and obliging .
The emails make me feel that I know them personally.... Collapse
Willemien Willemien from Faversham wrote on Nov-18-2021 at 9:02 PM
Hartsikke goeie site is dit! Vandaag liep ik met m'n Scotse buf Isobel (86) langs de Creek, en waren we aan het kletsen over van alles. Vertelt ze ineens dat haar 'pride and joy' de Marmet wandelwagen was die ze voor haar kinderen had aangeschaft in 1959. En ik had nog nooit van die wandelwagen gehoord - wel van de Silvercross - maar die vond ze helemaal niets, nee de Marmet was het helemaal, en ze vertelde dat ze die wandelwagen dagelijks drie verdiepingen naar boven en weer naar beneden moest slepen want ze woonde toen als 25 jarige in een tenement block in Glasgow. Geweldig toch dat ik dan op uw site de gehele geschiedenis van de Pram lezen kan! Een gouden tijd; want toen waren moeders nog gewoon moeders.......
Hartsikke goeie site is dit! Vandaag liep ik met m'n Scotse buf Isobel (86) langs de Creek, en waren we aan het kletsen over van alles. Vertelt ze ineens dat haar 'pride and joy' de Marmet wandelwagen was die ze voor haar kinderen had aangeschaft in 1959. En ik had nog nooit van die wandelwagen gehoord - wel van de Silvercross - maar die vond ze helemaal niets, nee de Marmet was het helemaal, en ze vertelde dat ze die wandelwagen dagelijks drie verdiepingen naar boven en weer naar beneden moest slepen want ze woonde toen als 25 jarige in een tenement block in Glasgow. Geweldig toch dat ik dan op uw site de gehele geschiedenis van de Pram lezen kan! Een gouden tijd; want toen waren moeders nog gewoon moeders.......... Collapse
Wendy Addison Wendy Addison from Irvine wrote on Jul-03-2021 at 5:52 PM
My wonderful parents-in-law took me to the Churchill pram factory in Glasgow and allowed me to choose everything I wanted in a pram from fixtures and fittings to colourway. This was in 1968 and they so very generously gifted it to us, though we were not allowed to have possession until our daughter was safely home. That pram and the wonderful places it took us to; how lucky I was to make a new family with such wonderful people. I love this site, there is always something interesting to see. If there is any information out there about Churchill/Scottish-made peaks it would be great to see details.
My wonderful parents-in-law took me to the Churchill pram factory in Glasgow and allowed me to choose everything I wanted in a pram from fixtures and fittings to colourway. This was in 1968 and they so very generously gifted it to us, though we were not allowed to have possession until our daughter was safely home.

That pram and the wonderful places it took us to; how lucky I was to make a new family with such wonderful people.

I love this site, there is always something interesting to see. If there is any information out there about Churchill/Scottish-made peaks it would be great to see details.... Collapse

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